How Do You Identify?

For those who avoided the aforementioned path, their answer is likely no. They reject with great sobriety the idea of governmental reliance…

Democracy Out of Context

But ignored here are the guardrails our constitution provides as insulation against the purity of democracy, i.e., the shelter for the minority against a maelstrom of…

A Rationing of Freedom

Our elections bring about chaotic fits and starts; a loosening or tightening of the reins on governance. Without care, the perception of them as “democracy in action” can obscure the more fundamental – that we are a constitutional…

Whose Share Unfair?

As a concern for the government, taxation is merely a de facto entitlement to the financial compensation of another’s effort. This of course provides essential funding for the litany of…

A Look Over the Horizon

Employers hire employees based on experience. More specifically, an individual’s experience to accurately predict the consequences of particular actions in order to exploit the favorable and avoid the…

The Career Ending Novelty

Yet should an individual have a genuine desire of repeated public service, the regularity of shifting political winds helps ensure the weeding out of all but the most honorable…